(The Cockatoos and the Javan Mynas)
By Mrs. Merta
This nature-oriented painting is the work of one called Mrs Merta. Within it, you'll see several birds grouping underneath a canopy of trees. They are the cockatoos and the Javan mynas. The cockatoos are smart creatures, smarter than most species of birds. In Indonesia, you can find many types of cockatoos, like the little corella, the salmon-crested cockatoo, and the citron-crested cockatoo. Due to generations of hunting, the cockatoo falls into the category of endangered species.
The Javan myna (Acridotheres javanicus) originates from Indonesia. Its ability to mimic the sound of other birds makes this species of bird a favourite among bird watchers and bird enthusiasts in general. In its natural habitat, you will usually find a Javan myna perching on a water buffalo. The two animals form a relationship of mutual benefit as the Javan myna makes the water buffalo's fleas as its source of food.
By Sukanda
Nature and those who live within it often becomes the object of an artist's painting. Sometimes they paint it as is with no alterations, and other times they would try to capture a different perspective. What Sukanda captured in this painting is the life of cockatoos as they play around among shaded trees, as they do in their natural habitat.
The scene depicted in "Cockatoos" by Sukanda is one you would rarely find nowadays. Cockatoos are becoming more and more endangered, with hunters looking to capture the bird for its beauty and wit, making the bird ripe for monetary exploitation. Additionally, its natural habitat is also growing smaller each day. Indeed, protective measures should be taken to save the cockatoos from total extinction.
By Kartini Subekti
The Canada Goose is a wild goose species that originate in North America but can be found as far as Northern Europe during migration season. The animal, also known as Branta Canadensis, is known for its black top, white chin, and brown-coloured body. In some parts of the world, Canada Goose is considered to be a pest due to its presence at city parks. Their territorial nature causes reasonable worry. However, it should be noted that it was human actions that destroyed their natural habitat and forced them to migrate. Kartini Subekti diligently captured the atmosphere of the Canada Geese's natural habitat in this painting of hers. She placed the focus away from the geese's rather aggressive temperament. Instead, she emphasises on the romantic side of the creature by painting a couple of geese in the process of mating. Geese have often been made as a symbol of everlasting love. That is because geese are extremely monogamous creatures who only have one mate their whole lives.