Basoeki Abdullah, Jaka Tarub, and The 7 Beautiful Angels in The Le Meridien Jakarta Lobby

Raden Basoeki Abdullah is one of the greatest artists in the Indonesian modern art movement. He is the grandson of Wahidin Sudirohusodo, a medical doctor who is also an Indonesian national hero, taking part in the formation of the organization named Budi Utomo. The title of "Raden" attached to Basoeki Abdullah's name is a mark of his aristocratic lineage, passed down to him by both of his parents. They are Raden Abdullah Suryo Subroto (the father of Basoeki Abdullah and the son of Wahidin Sudirohusodo) and Raden Nganten Ngasidah (Basoeki Abdullah's mother). Before Basoeki Abdullah's birth, his parents had already been learning about the arts. His mother mastered the art of Batik painting while his father became a famous naturalist painter of that era. Basoeki Abdullah's parents not only passed down their noble blood but also their artistry.

Ever since he was little, Basoeki Abdullah had always loved the arts, especially wayang (the Javanese skin puppet performance). Gatotkaca, Bima, and Hanoman, who are characters from wayang stories, were his idols. When Basoeki Abdullah was 6-years-old, he started studying at Hollandsch Inlandsche School (HIS). During his study there, Basoeki Abdullah was mainly interested in history and drawing. His interest in the two topics remained as he continued his studies at Meer Uitgebreid Lager Onderwijs (MULO) in Solo and Yogyakarta. Upon graduating from MULO, Basoeki Abdullah had the opportunity to continue his art studies in the Netherlands. He went into Koninklijke Academie van Beeldenden Kunsten and graduated shortly. After graduating, his interest in the arts multiplied. Thus, Basoeki Abdullah began studying in the Academy of Fine Arts in Paris and Rome as a guest student.


Basoeki Abdullah's capability in creating a painting is magnificent. He received international recognition for it, from King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand who was one of his biggest admirers. Under his reign, Basoeki Abdullah served as an honored palace painter for the kingdom of Thailand. For his achievements, King Bhumibol Adulyadej awarded him with a "Poporo" golden star. Other than Thailand, Basoeki Abdullah also gained recognition from Cambodia and the Philippines. He was commissioned to paint the royal family of Cambodia and important figures in the Philippines. In Indonesia, he also painted national heroes, chief among them Prince Diponegoro and Soekarno. Basoeki Abdullah had a close relationship with the Republic of Indonesia's first president, Soekarno. Many of Basoeki Abdullah's artworks are in the collection of the president who received the nickname of the Son of Dawn.


His international experience did not make Basoeki Abdullah forget about his home country, Indonesia. Plenty of his artwork, which was exhibited internationally, captured the beauty of Indonesia's natural landscape. However, that was not the only theme in Basoeki Abdullah's paintings. He also did paintings of mythical legends. Many Basoeki Abdullah's artwork came from Javanese mythical legends, including the painting titled "Jaka Tarub" which is part of Le Meridien Jakarta's collection.

The story of Jaka Tarub follows the Titular character as he married an angel named Nawang Wulan. The story started when Jaka Tarub is hunting in the forest. While waiting for an animal to hunt, Jaka Tarub hears feminine voices coming from a waterfall in the middle of the forest. His curiosity is piqued. He decides to follow the voices and finds seven angels bathing in the waterfall. Not far from them, he sees seven garments, the angels' items of clothing. Without sparing a moment to think, Jaka Tarub grabs one of the shawls. Upon finishing their bath, the angels start to put on their clothes to go back to the heavens. However, one angel by the name of Nawang Wulan is unable to find her garment, as it is the one stolen by Jaka Tarub. The day grows darker, and the garment is still nowhere to be found. The other angels finally depart for their home, leaving Nawang Wulan on her own. Jaka Tarub then shows up, carrying a different garment than the one stolen. He then gives it to Nawang Wulan. Long story short, the two marry and have a daughter together named Nawangsih. The three of them live happily together, until one day when everything changes. That day, Nawang Wulan finds the garment that Jaka Tarub stole from her hidden in the rice container. The discovery gives her both joy and disappointment. Now that she has found her garment, she can go back to her home in the heavens. However, it is to her disappointment that it was her own husband who stole the important clothing from her. Nawang Wulan then confronts her husband to express her disappointment. In the end, she goes home to the heavens, leaving Jaka Tarub and her cherished daughter.


The painting titled "Jaka Tarub" by Basoeki Abdullah is one of the artworks decorating the wall of the Le Meridien Jakarta Lobby. Using oil on canvas, Basoeki Abdullah captures the scene where Jaka Tarub gives Nawang Mulan her replacement garment. Upon the 222cm x 140cm painting, the other six beautiful angels are in full display, floating up the sides of the waterfall. The six are garbed in colorful garments, their pretty features showing different but equally enchanting expressions. Meanwhile, Nawang Wulan sits alone under the waterfall while covering her chest with both of her hands, abashed. Trees and shrubberies that are unique to the tropical landscape frame the scene above. It is to no wonder that Basoeki Abdullah was able to capture nature's beauty so exquisitely in this painting, as he was known as a naturalist painter. Apart from that, Basoeki Abdullah was also an expert in drawing anatomy and in beautifying the objects of his painting. Naturally, the women in his paintings always look breath-taking. This painting is not Basoeki Abdullah's only painting of the story of Jaka Tarub. Another one resides within the collection of the Presidential Palace of the Republic of Indonesia, making it an asset to the country.


Basoeki Abdullah's legacy as one of the great artists of the Indonesian modern art movement leaves a lasting impression. He is known as the ambassador of Indonesian paintings, representing his home country as he gained international recognition. The presence of "Jaka Tarub" in Le Meridien Jakarta is not merely for decorative purposes. Le Meridien, as a 5 star hotel, continually receives both local and international guests. It makes for the right opportunity to showcase the uniquely Indonesian nuance, more specifically the Javanese culture, through a variety of ways. One of them is by putting on display the painting of one of the greatest modern artists of Indonesia, Basoeki Abdullah. The other way would be by showing the diversity of the nation to international tourists.

By: Tomi Firdaus

Translated by: Nurani Salikha


Rama and Shinta