

If one were to look at the history of art, for an artist to precisely follow the style and technique of their mentor is not a newly found practice. According to Agus Dermawan T., who is an observer and writer of art, this has happened before. One such case is that of Frans Hals. Those of his descendants who also took up painting followed the Netherland-based artist's style to a tee. In Indonesia, something similar happened. Affandi's family members adopted the same technique as the famed painter, but they choose different objects and colors for their paintings. Men Sagan, on the other hand, completely captures the spirit of Affandi's work in his, despite having no familial connection to his mentor. His choice of objects and themes for his paintings is akin to that of Affandi.

This painting is one of Men Sagan's works that closely follow the footsteps of Affandi's artwork. "Cockfight" aptly captures a fight of masculinity, which is symbolized by the cockfighters, on a 173 cm x 170 cm canvas. The fighting is fierce, and it is further emphasized by the use of the plototan technique. One thing that differentiates Men Sagan's style to Affandi's is the thickness of the plototan lines, with the student painting thicker ones. Other than that, Men Sagan uses more colors in his paintings than his mentor did in his. Through those, the painter gave his own touches to the style that Affandi established.




Five Girls Sitting